Makeup as well as beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 328

yesterday I went to Rodeo beach at the Marin Headlands
قد تتساءل، “إذن ما هو هيك هو شيء استطلاع يوم الاثنين على أي حال؟”

حسنا، ليس الكثير من الاستطلاع. It’s more just a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random listing of concerns I’ve been putting out to visitors every Monday morning for the past seven years. I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, as well as I hope you enjoy reading mine.

Pizza: deep meal or thin crust?
Thin crust all the way, baby! as well as please pass the ranch as well as chili pepper flakes while you’re at it.

Who does your brows?
Me, myself as well as I.

I have weird manage problems when it comes to my brows…

Does it ever rain in the summertime where you live?
Nope, usually not a decrease from June with mid-October. We online in a high danger terminate zone so the trees as well as grasses get bone dry.

I desire it did rain in summer, though, since I like warm locations when it rains, like when it rains in the tropics.

Surround yourself with _____.
Kitties. great deals as well as great deals of kitties!

Or, just one cat, if your primary kitty is a diva alpha kitty who refuses to share the spotlight with other cats (*cough* Tabs *cough*).

Which do you prefer: getting your nails painted or getting your hair blown out?
I really prefer them both. however I like doing them myself since I’m super picky (I’ve gotten some poor blowouts).

Buuuuuut, if I had to select one over the other, I’d opt for the blowout, since they’re always quicker when somebody else does them for me.


دورك. مجرد نسخ وكذلك لصق الامتثال للمخاوف في تعليق مع إجاباتك. أنا أتطلع إلى القراءة ’em!

1. Pizza: deep meal or thin crust?
2. who does your brows?
3. Does it ever rain in the summertime where you live?
4. surround yourself with _____.
5. Which do you prefer: getting your nails painted or getting a blowout?


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن

Hi there, friend.

I hope you had a excellent weekend. Mine ended up being downright lovely as well as super chill. I felt like I had a great deal of time to just relax as well as breathe.

I watched a couple movies, put my toes in the sand at the beach, had lunch with my brother, as well as spent some high quality time with El Hub.

I was likewise moderately productive in a stress administration type of method as well as believed of some new things to try in July.

First, I’m going to indication up for a few yoga classes. yoga always assists me chill out, however I just fell off the yoga wagon for some reason.

A regional studio, Front street Yoga, has a special this month — $5 classes, whoo-hoo!

That’s some budget-friendly relaxation right there.

Second, I’m going to begin forecasting as well as planning around the hormonal craziness in my cycle, since that’s when the sh*t usually hits the fan as well as writing/functioning/avoiding the desire to stab strangers with blunt objects becomes a صراع.

I’m going to prep more things while I feel sane as well as good, just in situation I have trouble, as well as I’m likewise going to consciously prevent my emotional triggers.

لا جديا. I blocked off a section on my calendar that really says, “Avoid emotional triggers.”

Sounds silly, however whatever works, right? اتمني ان يكون مفيدا.

Lastly, I’m going to try a few of these free 30-minute meditation podcasts by the UCLA Mindful understanding research study Center. (Thank you, April, for sharing that link!)


I hope you’re having a excellent Monday so far. سأكلمك قريبا.

مدمن جمال المجتمع الخاص بك،


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